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How to Change Color from Gold to Silver and Rose Gold in Photoshop

How to Change Color from Gold to Silver to Rose Gold in Photoshop

If you have jewelry in the same style but in different metals, it might be better to take a photograph of one color and use Photoshop to change the color from Gold to Silver and to Rose Gold. If you’re working with a product photographer, this might even save you some money.

This approach works quickly in most cases. It gets tricky when your piece has multiple colors in it and you only want to change the color of the metal. In that case, you might have to use a mask, which we’ll talk about in a future post.

Steps to change Gold to Silver in Photoshop:

1. Open Image in Photoshop and from the top menu, go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation

How to Change Gold to Silver in Photoshop

2. In the Drop Down, select ‘Yellows’

This tells Photoshop you want to change the color of yellows in the image, while keeping other colors intact.

Changing Gold to Silver in Photoshop

3. Move the Saturation Slider down to -100.

The Saturation slider controls the intensity of the color. So by moving it to -100, you tell Photoshop to take all yellows in the images and take away all the color from it. Try moving it the other direction towards +100 and see what happens.

Remove Color with Saturation Filter

4. Make it Lighter with the Lightness Slider

The above image looks a bit dark. To make it lighter, move the lightness slider.  The settings I’m using are based on this image. Play with the sliders to get it to what looks best for your image.

Lightness Slider to Change Color

5. Add a tint of red (optional)

This step is optional. In the dropdown, select ‘reds’. Then move the Saturation filter slightly to the right. This gives the image a bit of a glow. Some prefer it this way while others stop at the previous step.

Change Color to Silver in Photoshop

Steps to change Gold to Rose Gold in Photoshop:

1. Move the Hue slider a little to the left.

Like above, open the image in Photoshop and go to Image >Adjustments > Hue/Saturation and select ‘Yellows’.

The Hue slider in Photoshop controls the core color. So by moving this slider, you can completely change the color. Try moving it around and see how the color changes. To get it to rose gold, you need to move it a little to the left as shown below.

Change Gold to Rose Gold in Photoshop

2. Move the Lightness Slider to the right

Again, like before, you lighten it by moving the lightness slider to the right. Slider settings will depend on your image so use these as guidelines.

How to Change Gold to Rose Gold

3. Reduce Saturation

Now the image looks a little too red. By moving the Saturation slider to the left, you reduce some of the intensity and make it more pink like rose gold usually is. If your metal is slightly darker or lighter, adjust as needed.

Gold to Rose Gold in Photoshop

Use the above settings as guidelines. The exact settings require some playing around depending on your product. As you can see, the process is simple but the catch is to be able to match the color of the metal.

That’s it. Did this work for you?

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